Monday, June 14, 2010


If this is a tad confusing.. Get over it.

So I have allowed myself to Forgive. Notice that I didnt say Forget. So I was, or though I was in love and the guy just kept surprising me with unexpected bullshit. Having sex with one of my close friends, talking to atleast 10 other females while me and him were talking, and other bogus shit like that. I mean if me and him werent friends before this whole I Like You, You Like Me bullshit popped off then it would be a lot easier for me to just be like Fuckk Youuu. Maybe m feelings for him were A LOT stronger than his for me. Either way, his hoeish ways were unnecessary. I really did despise this dude for a long ass time. When my mom or anyone else would ask me about him, I would tense up and get hella pissed. Then him and his ex reunited. Woop Dee fuckin Doo. So I honestly think that their rekindlement (?) was a major factor in my letting go.

We'll be Best Friends in the Futuree (((:

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