Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Gotta let these punk ass feelings of mine know whats really good.

Street Smart vs. Common Sense

So according to, the definition or street smart is: A person who has alot of common sense and knows what's going on in the world. This person knows what every type of person has to deal with daily and understands all groups of people and how to act around them. This person also knows all the current shit going on in the streets and the ghetto and everywhere else and knows how to make his own right decisions, knows how to deal with different situations and has his own independant state of mind. A street smart person isn't stubborn and actually listens to shit and understands shit.

Now, this is complete bullshit if you ask me. The first sentence blows my mind.
Id rather have Common Sense but some motherfuckers arent blessed with that.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So, this woman has to be one of thee dopest humans alive. Period.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Tupac.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOO, im gonna get my nose pierced on the same side as youu. ((: Tupac wass not only a legend, but a legitimate role model. The shit he says in his songs is real. Its not just about bitches and hoes, getting money and killing niggas, its about living for something, dying for something and being respectful to woman as a whole.

"Since we all came from a women, got our name from a women, and our game from a women. I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time we killed for our women, be real to our women, try to heal our women, cause if we don't we'll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, who make the babies. And since a man can't make one he has no right to tell a women when and where to create one.”

He's real. Point Blank. & still he rises.

Monday, June 14, 2010


If this is a tad confusing.. Get over it.

So I have allowed myself to Forgive. Notice that I didnt say Forget. So I was, or though I was in love and the guy just kept surprising me with unexpected bullshit. Having sex with one of my close friends, talking to atleast 10 other females while me and him were talking, and other bogus shit like that. I mean if me and him werent friends before this whole I Like You, You Like Me bullshit popped off then it would be a lot easier for me to just be like Fuckk Youuu. Maybe m feelings for him were A LOT stronger than his for me. Either way, his hoeish ways were unnecessary. I really did despise this dude for a long ass time. When my mom or anyone else would ask me about him, I would tense up and get hella pissed. Then him and his ex reunited. Woop Dee fuckin Doo. So I honestly think that their rekindlement (?) was a major factor in my letting go.

We'll be Best Friends in the Futuree (((: